In the words of Joseph Pilates himself:
"Change happens through movement and movement heals"

Being a slow paced form of exercise, performed with awareness of breath and emphasising control and precision over movement, pilates has an abundance of health benefits and can be tailored to suit a range of ages, abilities and conditions.
Pilates can help to:
Improve posture
Promote increased flexibility in the body
Improve core strength
Reduce back and joint pain
Strengthen muscles following injury/illness
Improve balance
Improve mental well-being
​To ensure that you are working at a level which best suits your needs we deliver 2 types of pilates class:
Beginners/easy pace
Improvers/moderate pace
Prior to booking into your first class, it is requested that you make contact with Di to discuss your needs and to complete a health and well- being assessment. This will help determine which level of class will best suit you.
Sessions are 60 mins in length and for the most part are mat based (clients are asked to supply their own exercise mats)
Small equipment will also frequently be used to support the sessions (eg resistance bands, balls and weights ) and where possible you will be encouraged to purchase your own.
1:1 sessions are also available to book at the Class Fitness Home Studio in Christleton at a cost of £32 for a one off session or £135 for 5 (valid for 4 months). These are particularly useful for clients wishing to assess ability before committing to a class or where health issues need consideration.