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Class Fitness October 2017 Newsletter

Welcome to the October Newsletter.

Apart from a few of you still to take your annual break, most of us have returned from summer holidays now and have settled back down into some sort of routine during September. It's been wonderful welcoming many returning members and new faces to classes these past few weeks as we set about tackling those post summer / pre -Christmas goals!

So now in's full steam ahead with more of the same.

Whether you are aiming for weight loss, developing strength and stamina or looking to increase flexibility there is something on the current timetable for you. Please pick up the new timetable in class or check out the timetable section of the website to plan your sessions.

We look forward to giving you a warm, friendly welcome in every class!

Latest News....

Venue Changes

Please note the following changes to class venues week commencing 2nd October:

Weight Loss Support (6-6.30pm) and Zumba (6.30-7.30pm) will move from St Columbas Church Hall to Hoole Primary School, Hoole Lane on Monday 2nd October.

Weight loss support (9.30 -10.15am), Burn 'n' Firm (10.15-11.00am) and Pilates (11.15-12.15) will all move form St Columbas Church Hall to Boughton Hall Cricket Club, Filkins Lane, Boughton, CH3 5EL on Tuesday 3rd October.

Plenty of parking available at both venues. Please get in touch for further details of how to get there.

Fitsteps Master Class with Strictly's Ian Waite

For those of you who like a little 'strictly' sparkle in your workout or for others of you who just want to come and watch a master at work.... this is an event not to be missed and a real coup for Chester!

On Sunday Nov 5th - 1.30pm - 2.30pm, Ian Waite will deliver a Fitsteps Master Class to Chester folk @ the Cheshire County Sports Club, Plas Newton Lane, Chester.

I have limited tickets still available to buy at £ do get in touch and reserve one today.

Of course ....don't forget to come along to Fitsteps classes in the meantime to make sure you're ready with the moves!!!

Christmas Party Night

It's booked!

Get your frocks out and come join us on Friday 8th December at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Chester for their Apres Ski Alpine Ball.

For £32 enjoy a 3 course meal, live entertainment and a DJ from 7pm - 1am. (No drinks included in price).

Last year we had a wonderful evening here and we're sure to repeat the experience this year.

Deposits of £20 are due by mid October so please start bringing these into classes to reserve your space.

Monday Night Zumba

With Helen seeking the opportunity to develop more of her own classes it is with sadness that we have had to say goodbye to her leading our Monday night Zumba sessions.

However, I'm proper excited to share with you that Deb (Cooper) has agreed to take over the show and share her Zumba love with you all!!!!

This is a great opportunity for Deb to show us her style and flavour of Zumba and for us to learn some new moves and grooves!

Deb has such a great appreciation of our clientele and recognises the need to make routines accessible for all, effective and of course FUN!!

So do what you can to show her your support and make her feel welcome on stage in these opening few weeks....starting tomorrow at Hoole School don't forget!


The first block of VeraFlow is already at halfway point and week on week I can see changes taking place in the groups' flexibility and co-ordination!

An evening block of 6 weeks is planned for Nov/Dec subject to take up.

If you are interested in signing up please could you feedback to me whether you would prefer sessions 7.45 - 8.45 pm on a Monday after Zumba or on a Thursday (same time) after Fitsteps.

The course of 6 weeks will again cost £18 to current members or £24 to PAYG attendees. The programme will be a repeat of the current Monday am sessions.

Pilates Cushions

For those of you who have been asking about how to get hold of the half moon pillows we have in class, I'm pleased to tell you I've secured some for sale which I shall be bringing into all classes this week.

They cost £10 each and are available in pink and purple. Let me know if you would like one reserving.

Think that's about it for now.... I'm off to watch the Strictly results show.

Do get in touch if you have any comments on any of the above or to do with our classes in general. Always happy to hear from you.


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