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Class Fitness November 2017 Newsletter

Hi All

I know I'm ahead of myself and we're not quite in November yet but as many of you know I'm due to be on holiday this week and therefore I'm whizzing through my 'to do' list today!

So first up - a quick reminder that all Class Fitness classes are CLOSED next week (Mon 30th Oct- Sun 5th Nov).

We'll be back in business from Monday 6th November for an action packed half term leading us up to Christmas (can you believe we're really talking of Christmas already!?).

Weight Loss Challenge

So with Christmas upon us, many of you will once again be using the next few weeks to crank up the weight loss, determined to get into your little black dresses or to at least give yourself some 'leeway' for putting a few pounds on over the festive season.

As usual, Class Fitness will be supporting this by introducing a pre-Christmas weight loss challenge.

Open to all our members and class participants you are invited to play along for a £1 entrance fee and be in with the chance of winning a cash prize. All we ask is that you set yourself a realistic target for weight loss or maintenance and achieve your goal by our last week of classes before Christmas.

Themed 'snowman' challenge cards will be available in classes from Monday 6th Nov. Don't forget to bring your £1 if you want to join in.

Christmas Party

Staying with Christmas..... I've now paid all our deposits for the Class Fitness Christmas Party at the Crowne Plaza on Friday Dec 8th. If you have somehow missed out on reserving your place, do get in touch and I'll try my best to see whether the venue can still accommodate you.

For those coming along, the remaining £12 to pay is due the week we return to classes (last date for payment Nov 10th).

Please bring your monies into classes and also please can you look at the menu choices below and be ready to let me know what you would like to eat. Feel free to email these in advance if easier.


Following our successful launch of VeraFlow during the past half term, we are delighted to now be running a series of 6 evening classes between Nov-Dec.

All spaces have now been allocated to those of you who have expressed an interest in coming along to the Monday night sessions, however please do get in touch if your circumstances have changed or you would like to be considered for the waiting list.


As usual, a new half term means a new 6 week block of pilates starting.

A few spaces have become available in all 3 of the weekly running classes which are suitable for beginners/ improvers alike.

Please do get in touch if you would like to discuss joining one of the classes on a Tuesday daytime or on Wednesday evenings.

A 'Thank you' from me to you!

It hasn't escaped my notice that many of you loyal bunch have been recommending friends and family to come and try classes.

This is really appreciated! Thankyou!

By way of thanking you, I shall be awarding £5 M&S vouchers to each of you recommending a friend in Oct, Nov and Dec.

If you recommend more than one you are well on your way to funding your Christmas M&S food shop!!!

Fitsteps Master Class with Ian Waite

Don't forget that this event will take place on Sunday 5th November. @ The Cheshire County Sports Club.

All my tickets have been sold and given to those of you coming along.

Don't forget to get there for 1pm when doors open as there are at least 100 people coming!!!

Can't tell you how excited I am!!

When we return.......

Don't forget those first couple of days back will be the 1st Monday and Tuesday of November. Therefore as usual we'll be moving out of our usual venues.

So if you don't want to miss out please make a note of the following:

Monday 6th November - Weight loss support and Zumba will be @ Hoole Primary School, 6-7.30pm

Monday 6th November - Evening VeraFlow classes will start 8-9pm at New Scene Centre.

Tuesday 7th November - Weight loss support, Burn 'n' Firm and the 11.15 class of pilates will all take place at Boughton Hall Cricket Club.

After that - business as usual!!

Have a great half term break everyone!

See you in a week


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