Class Fitness December 2017 Newsletter
Well here we are again. Another month has whizzed by and we're on the countdown to Christmas. I can't believe I have now been at the helm of Class Fitness for nearly 12 months! Where has the time gone? Thank you so much for sticking with me.
I'm really looking forward to celebrating our year of fitness together in classes over the next couple of weeks and with those of you who are coming along to the Christmas party this Friday. If past years are anything to go by there will be fun, frolics and of course plenty of dancing.
With one ticket currently going spare for the party night, please do get in touch if you would like it for yourself or for a guest (cost £32). Also do mention in class if you would like help with lifts etc. Bar opens at 7, meal will be served at 8.15pm.

Other December news in brief:
Venue Changes:
As is usual in the first week of the month, weight loss support and Zumba on 4th Dec will be held at Hoole Primary School.
On Tuesday 5th Dec please head to Boughton Hall Cricket Club for the morning sessions of weight loss support, Burn 'n' Firm and Pilates (11.15 class).
Class Closures for Xmas
With just two weeks of classes left, please note that all classes will close for a two week break from Friday 15th Dec.
The last classes will therefore be in the week commencing 11th Dec.
Please feel free to wear Santa Hats, Christmas T-shirts, Tinsel scarves etc in the last week of classes as we make merry in Christmas themed classes!!!!

2018 Return Dates
Classes will start back on Wednesday 3rd January with Fitsteps at All Saints @ 1.30pm.
Body Blast @ 6.30pm will also be back on 3rd Jan as will Fitsteps @ 6.30pm on Thursday 4th Jan.
No Zumba, Burn 'n' Firm, Pilates, Run Club or VeraFlow in this first week back.
All classes back up and running as per the timetable from January 8th.
December Weight Loss Successes
Our pre-Christmas weight loss campaign has been seeing some amazing results in the past few weeks. Goals are already being smashed and over 3 stone of weight loss has been recorded (giving our rather slim snowman a much fuller figure)

There are just 2 more weeks of weigh-ins left so do be sure to record your successes in class and be in with a chance of scooping the cash prize!
The winner will be announced after final weigh-in on Thursday 14th Dec.
A New Year - A New You
If you're set on making those all important changes to your health and fitness in 2018, then I've got a couple of incentives which might be of interest!
For existing standing order club members, I'm offering '5' of you a FREE consultation with myself and Pat Mowll (nutritionist) to re-set your health and fitness goals. This will be for a minimum of one hour and at a time to suit us all. All sessions are to be taken in January 2018. Please register your interest by return of email or in classes before the end of term. First come, first served I'm afraid get in quick to reserve your session.
To those of you whom we haven't seen in classes in the past 12 months or for 'new' members, I'm offering you our 'Gold' weight management and exercise package at a fabulously discounted price of £50 for 3 months (3 months for the price of 2).

Offer will only run from January to March so be sure to check out the timetable now and plan which weekly session you will pledge to come to. Let me know when to first expect you and I'll have your welcome pack ready. Upfront payment of £50 will be due on your first session.
Christmas Gift Vouchers
Whether as a treat for yourselves or perhaps as a gift to a loved one who needs a little coaxing into exercise, why not consider purchasing a Class Fitness Gift Voucher for Christmas.
Start from as little as £5 which offers a taster exercise session, or maybe stretch to £50 and get signed up on our 3 month deal posted above.
Bespoke vouchers for Veraflow or Pilates courses can all be catered for.
Please get in touch and let me know what you need.
M&S Vouchers
Speaking of vouchers, £5 gift vouchers are on their way to the following folk for referring a friend to classes in the past couple of months.....
Angie K, Claire L, Patti D, Christine R, Alex F, Wendy D, Mary P and Mary C.
A big Thank you ladies - it means a great deal that you enjoy our classes enough to recommend them to others.
Keep up the good work and a £5 voucher could be yours.
Survey Monkey Questionnaire
Thank you to all of you who responded to the questionnaire that I recently emailed out.
I've noted your suggestions and will do my best to action as many of them as I can during 2018.
If you've not had a chance to respond, feel free to follow the link and have your say now.
The next 6 week pilates courses will start week beginning Jan 8th.
Spaces available in all 3 of the mixed ability classes on Tues am, Tues afternoon and Wednesday pm.
Costs to remain at 2017 prices.
Please register your interest and reserve a space ASAP.
After 2 successful 'launch' courses, VeraFlow will make a return in 2018 with new routines and workouts.
Block 1 will return to Monday mornings at 9.30am for 6 weeks from Jan 8th. Venue expected to be New Scene Youth Centre, but awaiting confirmation.
Course costs from January will be £24 to members, £30 to non-members. Fees due on first session of the block.
Class sizes are limited therefore pre-booking is required.
Class Prices
Apart from VeraFlow, which will no longer be running at the initial discounted rate, all other classes, courses and standing order fees will remain at 2017 prices in 2018! Hooray!
Standing order members - please continue your monthly payments at your agreed price.
Once again a big 'thank you' to members who pay by standing order. Your committed, monthly payments are the real backbone of our classes and community, ensuring that we have classes running throughout the year for anyone to attend.
If you are not a current monthly member, maybe you would consider becoming one in the New Year?
Christmas Wishes
Hopefully I'll see many of you in classes over the next couple of weeks but for those I shall not I wish you a Happy, Healthy Christmas and a Fit and Fabulous New Year!
All the best and once again thank you for your support in 2017
Di x