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Welcome Back!

With daily views like this I've come back from my holiday in Canada well and truly refreshed and re-charged.

I do hope you have had a fantastic summer too and are feeling ready to tackle new goals as we enter the Autumn term.

Canada was an a amazing place in so many ways and I was particularly impressed with some of the lifestyle habits and priorities, which us Brits could well do with adopting more of....

Alcohol is drunk in moderation, water is freely served in every restaurant and getting out in the fresh air to exercise is really encouraged with a wealth of activities on offer and miles of accessible, safe cycle paths. And as for the's everywhere and served with everything!!!

Could you do with adopting a little more of any of these?

So often September is a time when campaigns start by telling you what you need to do 'less' of.....Have a month 'off' alcohol, carbs etc etc. Well my motto for September is to reverse this into doing 'more'. It's so much better for the psyche to give yourself 'more' than to restrict everything.

So why not pledge to engage in 'more' exercise, drink 'more' water, eat 'more' healthily etc etc

And my pledge to you is to deliver 'more' of what you, friendly classes where you are supported and encouraged.

So what can you expect in the next few weeks?

Business is Back to Normal

Yes all classes, including pilates courses are back up and running from Monday 3rd Sept. (The only exception to this is VeraFlow ,which unfortunately will not be making a return until at least the New Year).


The fanatstic dance workout that is 'Zumba' continues with Deb, Gill and the crew on a Monday night at St Columbas Church, 6.30-7.30pm. If you haven't tried this workout it's well worth giving it a go, perhaps as your 'more' exercise option???

Please do note however that on September 3rd (and every 1st Monday of the month) the class will be held at Hoole Primary School, CH2 3HB

Burn 'n' Firm

Usually this brilliantly supportive, Tuesday am class moves venue on the first Tuesday of the month too. However on September 4th we can stay put - hooray!!! So for regulars and new folks alike, please head to St Columbas Church Hall, CH2 1SA for either 9.30am should you like weight loss support too or for 10.15am to join in with the burn 'n' firm exercise session.


Three new 6 week blocks of pilates start back this week as follows:

Tuesday 4th 11.15am-12.15pm @ St Columbas Church Hall

Tuesday 4th 1.30-2.30pm @ Hoole Community Centre

Wednesday 5th 7.45-8.45pm @ Upton United Reformed Church

Wednesday night sessions are now fully booked however spaces are available in both Tuesday daytime classes.

Please do get in touch ASAP should you like a place reserving.


As September sees the return of 'Strictly' this is the perfect time to try a class where you get to 'sparkle' like the stars of the show.

Come and cha cha cha with us :

Wednesday's 1.30-2.30pm @ All Saints Church, CH2 3HZ

Thursday's 6.30-7.30pm @ Upton Community Hall, CH2 1EL

We're still waiting to hear how we've got on in the national Fitsteps Mama Mia competition....keeping my fingers crossed!!!

Walk/Run Club

Have you got a goal to walk up a hill or mountain, run your 1st 5/10K race or perhaps just looking for a social group of ladies to walk/run with?

Our Thursday morning club can support you with these and many more goals. Offered as a FREE session to any members who pay by monthly standing order and £2 to PAYG attendees why not give it a go?

Just register your interest with Di and weekly text alerts of meeting venues will be sent to you.

The sessions are for 1hour, 9.30-10.30am at venues in and around Chester and always end at a venue serving refreshments!


Once again Class Fitness ladies showed how generous they are by supporting a book sale of old recipe books donated by class member Ruth. A £20 donation was gratefully received by Hospice of the Good Shepherd so many thanks to those who contributed.

And if you're looking for a big challenge in 2019 how about signing up for the Hospice of the Good Shepherd trek along The Great Wall of China?

A number of Class Fitness ladies have expressed an interest in this so we are sending representatives along to the information evening on Thursday Oct 25th, 6.30-8.00pm at the Hospice in Backford.

Please do get in touch if you would like more info.

Christmas Night Out

I know, I know..the sun's still shining and I'm talking Christmas!!! However, after yet another successful Summer Class Fitness evening out, it's time to get planning the next one....

How do you feel about an Abba tribute night or similar for a change?

All ideas gratefully received ASAP.

And we don't have to wait till Christmas....if you have any other ideas for socials for the coming months just let us know. Class Fitness is so much more than just exercise classes!!!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend folks.....I'm off to deep clean all our equipment!!!

Di x

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