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The countdown to Christmas!

Well here we are in the countdown to Christmas already.

Can you believe our Class Fitness Christmas celebrations start next weekend with our Abba Tribute night out and the Chester Santa Dash?!

With details of these events and other Class Fitness Christmas news please read on.........

Abba Tribute Night, Rossett Hall - Sat Dec 1st

Heads up folks....

Unfortunately we have 2 (possibly 3) people who bought tickets and who are now unable to go. Would you like to take their place or know of friends who would?

Tickets cost £34.95

Please let me know ASAP....

For those of you coming along, here's the evening's details:

Arrive from 7pm where you will be greeted with a complimentary drink.

Dinner is at 8pm (all menu choices have now been sent in to the hotel)

Entertainment is by the 'Abbarettes' and a disco to follow with the evening coming to a close between 11.30pm and Midnight

We have not gone for fancy dress, but feel free to glam up and add some Abba accessories if you'd like.

Lift shares are on offer from many of those attending so please get in touch if you haven't yet sorted out your transport plans.

Any other queries please shout!

Chester Santa Dash - Sunday December 2nd

I know a number of you have now signed up to this Fun, Festive event so if you'd like to run/walk with the Class Fitness crew here's where we'll be....

Meet at 9.30am @ the entrance to The Little Roodee Car Park.

Run/Walk your race at your own pace and then why not join us in the coffee mill cafe on Bridge Street for a brew and perhaps brekkie? First ones back will secure the tables!

Run Club Christmas Breakfast

Speaking of runs and then breakfast, we shall yet again be continuing the tradition of having breakfast together after our last Run/Walk club of the year.

This year we shall be doing this on the morning of Thursday 13th December.

As in previous years, we shall meet at Goodwins restaurant car park, Upton Grange @ 9.30am before taking in walks/runs in the Countess Park and along the canal until 10.30am.

Those of you who wish to join us for breakfast in Goodwins at 10.30am please let me know ASAP...... you can even join us if you haven't run!

Please therefore note that there will NOT be a walk /run club meeting on Thursday 20th Dec. Sessions will re-commence on Thursday Jan 10th 2019.

Don't forget your Santa Hats!!!!

Christmas Cards and Raffle

As many of you are already aware, I have been lucky enough to secure a London 2019 Marathon place running in aid of The Hospice of the Good Shepherd.

In return I have pledged to raise £2,000 for the charity.

Recognising what a fabulous cause this is, after seeing the support they gave to our dear friend Kathy Dempsey, our Class Fitness family have already got straight into fundraising mode and have come up with 2 pre-Christmas campaigns to get the fundraising started.

First up, our fabulous Linda Banks has created a beautiful Christmas Hamper which is up for grabs by buying raffle tickets at £1 each.

It's full of top quality food and drink, perfect for a Christmas indulgence or equally fabulous to pass on as a gift.

Tickets will be available in classes over the next couple of weeks with the draw taking place at our last Fitsteps Class of the year on Wednesday December 19th @ 1.30pm.

Secondly..... Pat Rose and our Tuesday morning Burn 'n' Firm crew have suggested that instead of buying and sending each other Christmas cards this year, would you consider making a donation to the fundraising campaign instead?

All donations will again be greatly received in classes over the coming weeks.

Big thanks in advance!

More than a Marathon Weight Loss Challenge

As the 8 week, weight loss challenge draws to a close this week I'm hoping to be giving out a number of these medals to all our successful members who hit their targets.

Please make sure you head to class this to record your success and pick up your rewards.

Christmas Class Closures

To make sure you don't turn up at class to find it's finished for Christmas, please make a note of the following dates:

Last Pilates sessions are week commencing 10th December

All other classes continue until Wednesday 19th December when we finish with a Festive Fitsteps at 1.30pm and Body Blast @ 6.30pm

Therefore please note that there will NOT be Run Club or Fitsteps on Thursday 20th December and no classes week commencing 24th or 31st Dec.

All classes will return week commencing January 7th 2019.

So here's to a fun filled Christmas Countdown....

See you in class

Di x

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