Happy New Year

Welcome to our first newsletter of 2019. I do hope you have enjoyed wonderful Christmas and New Year celebrations and are now motivated to start working on your 2019 health and fitness goals. If you're anything like me you're sick of the sight of party food and can't wait to get eating more healthily again and get back to our classes.
As many of you will know by now, I have set myself a challenging goal of running the London Marathon this April.
Alongside the physical training required, I also need to raise £2,000 for Hospice of the Good Shepherd who have kindly given me a place to run for them.
Thankfully, I have the wonderful backing of my Class Fitness supporters, who in the lead up to Christmas alone managed to help me fund-raise a staggering £508 by raffling off a deluxe Christmas Hamper and by donating to the cause rather than sending Christmas cards to each other.
The proud winner of the raffle, drawn at our last Fitsteps class on the 19th December, was Mo Carson/Hughes. Lucky for Mo she was in class that day and was able to take it away to be enjoyed over the festive season.
Well done Mo and 'thank you' to Linda Banks for donating the hamper and to all of you who bought tickets and made donations getting me off to a flying start.
Watch this space for upcoming fundraising events that my Class Fitness fundraising committee have planned!
And now back to your goals.....
Have you an upcoming event like a big birthday or a wedding motivating you this year? Have you said to yourself over Christmas that 'enough is enough', 'it's time to take charge'? Maybe you too have signed up to an event later in the year, like a 10K or a fun run?
Whatever your goals or your motivations are here's hoping that Deb, myself and our team of fabulous ladies at Class Fitness can help and support you in reaching them!
Let's make 2019 a great one.
So when can we start back I hear you say? ...................
Class Opening Dates
ALL classes on the current timetable will start back next week, commencing Jan 7th.
1st up is ZUMBA on Monday night (6.30pm) with our fabulous Deb. If you've never given this class a try now's the time to give it a whirl. Deb will be like a coiled up spring having been off a couple of weeks with loads of new choreography up her sleeve!! With the Latin rhythms and 'fabulous, fun factor,' this is one of those classes you forget you're exercising in. Go see for yourself.
Let them have it Deb!
PLEASE NOTE the first Zumba class is at Hoole Primary School, Hoole Lane as it's the first Monday of the Month not St Columbas Church.
All other classes for the next few weeks are in their usual venues as follows:

So with a new half term beginning, we will launch 3 new blocks of pilates next week too.
As per the timetable, 2 of these are Tuesday daytime and the other is on a Wednesday evening.
All are mixed ability and suitable for beginners as the difficulty is progressive over the 6 week block and all exercises can be adapted/modified.
This might be your perfect ante-dote to the stresses of Christmas or for starting work on your somewhat expanded waist line following the festivities? If so, please get in touch to see if spaces are available.
Regular attendees, please can you confirm your places ASAP so I can offer out spare places to any new interested folk.
The 6 week block costs £36 (£30 to club members on standing order deals) and must be paid for in advance.

Speaking of costs and prices, you'll be pleased to hear that there are no price increases planned for 2019!
And all of our usual cost saving practices are staying put too!
Please take a minute to think about whether you're taking advantage of the best deal for you.
Here's a recap:
Standard exercise classes like Zumba, Fitsteps, Burn 'n' Firm and Body Blast are usually £5 PAYG.
However, you can buy 2 types of class passes which cover any of these classes and give you a discount. Buy a 5 class pass at £23 and you get 4 classes plus your 5th class reduced to £3 (valid for 3 months). Or even better value, buy a 10 class pass for £45 and you pay for 9 classes getting your 10th class FREE! (valid for 6 months).
Class passes are available to buy (by cheque or cash) from every class cashier. Please ask if you are interested. It makes sense to grab one if you are regularly attending classes and it means you won't have that last minute scramble before class looking for change!
Alternatively, if you are wanting to do more classes this year and have found a few on our timetable to suit your needs, it might be time to look into one of our club membership schemes.
These are great if you have long term goals, where you want to stay committed to attending classes regularly, as we ask that you pay by standing order at the beginning of each month and stay committed for at least 3 months.
They can also offer you some significant reductions and benefits if you are committed for 6 months plus.
For example:
Our exercise only 'Silver package' at £35 month means you could potentially be paying just £3.18 for each class if you attend three classes a week for a Class Fitness year:
£35 x 12 months =£420
£420 / 44 weeks (the min no. of weeks we are open) = £9.55
£9.55 /3 classes per week = £3.18
Please note: pilates isn't included in this deal as it is run as a course, however course discounts are given as a perk of being on a standing order club membership scheme. You are also entitled to FREE attendance and support at our walk/run club on a Thursday morning (£2 a session for all non -members) and quarterly fitness checks on our body composition scales.
Holiday Dates
If you're eager to know if the above deals will suit you or you just like to get your calendar organised in advance, here's the dates when Di's classes will be on holiday in 2019:
Weeks commencing:
8th April
27th May
29th July
5th Aug
28th Oct
23rd Dec
30th Dec
Please note Zumba dates of closure may vary to these.
Weight Loss Support

As many of you know, in addition to exercise classes we also provide weight loss support to clients.
This is provided in weekly group support sessions on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings and with weekly, 'accountability' weigh- ins available at most classes.
Guidance on nutrition and exercise is given, personal goals are set and weekly progress is monitored. You are also invited to join a closed Facebook support and information group.
We do not promote any one 'diet', but help you to make simple food and lifestyle changes that will mean your goals are achieved long term and not just for the duration of a 'diet'.
If you think that you would benefit from this additional support to help with your New Year goals please get in contact to find out more.
Please note that this service is only available as a Class Fitness weight loss support member, where standing order monthly fees are applicable. Please see website for further details on costs which include your weekly exercise classes.
Setting Goals
Whilst I've been setting my training plan for the Marathon I've been collating a list of lots of local races taking place in our area over the next few months. They range from 5K Fun runs to half marathons and beyond.
Do let me know if you would like a copy of the list so you can get yourself booked on or check out the info board in classes!
A Big 'Thank you'
As I draw this Newsletter to a close, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all our fantastic, loyal clients who have been supporting Class Fitness now for a number of years. Although I have only been at the helm of Class Fitness for 2 years, many of you have been coming to my classes since January 2013 when Jane and I launched Rosemary Conley classes in Chester. I can't believe it's been 6 years! Thank you to each and every one of you for your continued custom and support to our classes and other members.
And a second BIG THANK YOU goes to my fabulous support crew: Deb, Gill, Barb, Vicky (otherwise known as Mum!), Wendy, Ian, Sue, Pat and Sharon. Thank you for rocking up to classes in all weathers, carting boxes to and from cars, setting up and clearing down rooms, being social secretaries and general dogs body. Your support is so greatly appreciated!
Here's to us as a 'Class Fitness Family' smashing out our goals in 2019!
Happy New Year Folks.
Look forward to seeing you back in classes,
Di x