Time to applaud ourselves!
Afternoon folks! Hope you're having a fabulous weekend.
I've just returned from enjoying a wonderful morning in Chester, as myself and about 5,000 others took to our amazing Cheshire countryside to compete in this year's Chester half marathon.
It made me feel really privileged to live in such a gorgeous part of the country and proud that the body I have been given is capable of entertaining the idea of this challenge after just a couple of weeks recovery from running in the London Marathon. Our bodies are amazing aren't they!
Joining me today was one of our incredible members, Tracy Reynalds. Competing in her first ever half marathon she did an amazing job and came home looking really strong. Well done Tracy!
And our Club running successes don't end there.... already this season we have seen many of our run club members getting involved in local 10K competitions with great success all round. Special mentions to Sarah Massey, Leslie Blakebrough, Helen Dawson, Di Clarke, Debbie Watson and Emma Young for your achievements so far this year girls.
I'm really looking forward to supporting you ladies and others in future events! Bring 'em on!

And just going back to the London Marathon for a minute... a huge round of applause and congratulations to all of you who have supported me through sponsorship and donations.
To date we have raised a staggering £5,393.24 for Hospice of the Good Shepherd!!
I'm so very thankful to you all and know that the hospice will be too.
Speaking of the hospice.....don't forget that they also have their annual 'Sparkle Walk' coming up on Friday June 14th.

This is a fun event, suitable for all and it's not too late to enter. You don't even have to go over the scary swinging bridge this year! A number of our members are already signed up.
And now to other club news......

By now, many of you will already be aware, that our fabulous Zumba teacher Debbie will be taking some time off teaching over the next few months as she undergoes treatment for newly diagnosed breast cancer.
Deb is characteristically positive going into treatment and hopeful that things have been caught early.
We therefore wish Deb all the best and lots of love for the months ahead and can't wait till she is given a clean bill of health to be able to return to us!
In the meantime, we are lucky to have the wonderful Hayley Astle stepping in to cover our Monday night Zumba spot so classes will continue as normal whilst Deb is away. Please do therefore support Hayley in these sessions where you can.
Please note however, the following couple of Zumba class changes that will be happening over the next week or so due to Bank holidays etc...
There will be NO ZUMBA on Monday 27th May as it's Bank Holiday again!
Zumba will return on Monday 3rd June, but will be in Hoole Primary School as is usual for the 1st Monday of the month.
All other Zumba sessions (including this week, 20th May) will run as usual 6.30-7.30pm on Monday's @ St Columbas Church Hall, Plas Newton Lane.
Please note......Other Whit Week Closures:
Please make a note in your diaries that it's not just Zumba but All Class Fitness classes will be closed
during the week 27th - 31st May due to holidays.
Sessions resume week commencing 3rd June with the following other venue changes to also be aware of:
Tuesday 4th June - Weight loss support, Burn 'n' Firm and 11.15am pilates to be @ Boughton Hall Cricket Club.

A New 6 week Block of Pilates will also once again be starting week commencing June 3rd.
Current pilates participants, please do reserve your place for next half term in classes this week, so I know how many available spaces we have to offer to potential new clients.
And if you're wanting to try pilates in the lead up to summer, then please do get in touch! Based on comments we've had from clients in the past few weeks you too could be benefiting from:
*Improved cycling performance
*A stronger golf swing
*Reduced back ache
*Improved posture
*A decent night's sleep etc etc........
And finally....
It's time to put your thinking caps on for some fun, social events to do together over the summer months.

Last year, for one thing, we all got our summer frocks on and enjoyed a fabulous night of eating, drinking and dancing at The Mill Hotel. What shall it be this year? Let's get the ideas and dates coming in and let's get something in the diary!
Enjoy what's left of your weekend folks...I'm off to enjoy a well deserved roast dinner.
See you in Class
Di x