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Rounding up June.....

Well here we are again, tying up another month in this new and different world of ours.

Once again, I'd like to send out a huge 'Thank you' to all of you who have supported our online groups and classes in June.

It has been wonderful hearing from so many of you that you are actually doing 'more' exercise than normal as a result of having access to all the recorded classes!

It's also fabulous hearing that the continued structure and routine of our timetable and the ability to tap into your fitness friendships has been helping you maintain a sense of normality and provided a support network to so many of you.

Well done's certainly been a group effort and once again you have demonstrated that Class Fitness is much more than fitness classes. It's great to know that you are looking out for each other!

And that support has been in abundance these past couple of weeks whilst many of our weight loss members have been 'cleaning' up their 'lock-down' act by following the 14 day Clean Eating Meal Plan.

With week 1 results in last Monday, showing folks had got off to a flying start, I can't wait to hear your 'end of challenge' results tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

Having followed the plan myself, I can confirm that the menu has been delicious (see pics above), nutritious and filling and not only have I been successful at losing my 'lock-down' excess but I'm feeling more mentally alert and my mood is much improved.

If you need a nudge in the right direction I can highly recommend you check out their website where there are a wide range of eating plans to choose from.

But where are we headed in July I hear you ask? Are we able to return to classes in the community?

Unfortunately, the answer is still No.

Last week the Government unveiled their plans to further ease lock-down measures from July 4th. However as yet, that does not extend to the opening of gyms or give permission for community centres to allow their premises to be used for group exercise purposes.

It is suggested that this may be reviewed again in mid July however there are no guarantees that things will change imminently. The risk of spreading the virus whilst groups of people are exercising together indoors, where there is poor circulation, is still considered to be too high a risk.

I know that for some of you this may come as a blow, as you are hoping to return to our face to face sessions. However, by far the most overwhelming feedback that I have had from members in recent weeks is that folks would prefer not to rush back.

It is with this in mind therefore that I have decided to again remain online for all of July.

Hopefully we shall be given further guidance in this period and it will give us time to be safely planning our return with all of the community centres that we use.

In reality however, I predict that it will be September at the earliest before we see our community classes return in full.

This is because for the 1st two weeks of August I am going to be taking a well needed holiday with my family (the first one this year).

It is possible that in mid-late August we may be able to trial a few 'live' sessions (perhaps pilates at first) however I cannot give any assurances on this until further guidance has been given and community centres have made contact. Let's cross our fingers for some positive developments.

So once again, July's weekly timetable will look like this:

All sessions can again be accessed by purchasing the appropriate monthly pass /PAYG option at (searching for Class Fitness) or by monthly standing order payments

To limit any disruption to your memberships, please do action 'renewal' at in plenty of time before your end date.

Should you like to receive a 25% discount on any of our purchases, please once again use the discount code CFloyalty.

And should you feel finance is a preventing factor for you at present, please do get in touch so I can tailor an appropriate package for you.

So once again, a big thank you for your continued support and here's to our July workouts bringing you great results both physically and mentally.

Got some innovative ideas for our home workouts that I haven't yet tried? Always happy to be inspired! Do send me your suggestions.....and watch this space!

Wishing you all a happy and healthy July.


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