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We're Back in the Community...

And I certainly missed you all!

It's been so nice these past couple of weeks being back in front of folks again instead of being behind a lens, pre-empting what might be going on at the other end. Don't get me wrong.... I've loved having a nosey in your homes and working out with your pets on ZOOM, but nothing beats having real life, smiley people back in LIVE classes.

Of course this could all change again at the drop of a hat so here's hoping our local COVID rate stays low and we can continue to work within the current guidelines.........

So what does this mean for October???

Providing there are no lockdown changes, I plan to continue delivering your favourite classes in 3 different ways... continuing to give everyone an option that they feel safe with.

Option 1: Your Community Classes:

As yet, I don't have a date for Thursday evening Fitsteps returning to Upton Community Hall as it is my aim to only return this to the community when the technology is in place for going LIVE on ZOOM at the same time....and this is proving tricky at Upton! So for the time being, we'll stay on ZOOM and will update you on our Class Fitness Facebook page when things will be able to change.

You will also notice that there will also be no return to Tuesday am or Wednesday pm (in venue) pilates classes throughout Oct. This will be reviewed again over the coming weeks and it is my hope that we will at least be able to re-open a new 6 week, pilates block on Tuesdays at St Columbas Church, 11am-12pm from 3rd Nov. Interested parties please do let me know so I can start to see if this is viable.

Option 2: Your ZOOM classes

Technology permitting, from Oct 6th it is my hope to be able to bring you Burn 'n' Firm over ZOOM at the same time as delivering it Live @ St Columbas. The first week will definitely be FREE to those of you at home as I don't expect our first attempt to be perfect!

Fitsteps Thursdays (as mentioned above) is staying on ZOOM for now at least but please keep checking for updates about how this may change to a dual format class.

Option 3: Facebook Groups with recorded content

For those of you still not wishing to venture back into the community or for whom ZOOM fills you with dread ..then your Facebook options are once again staying online for another month.

And even if you are thinking of making a return to community settings - these Facebook groups are a great back up should you not manage to get booked into your favourite class due to the restricted numbers or you're just wanting the flexibility of working out when you want to. There's a great selection of sessions to choose from.

Don't forget...those of you currently in the groups ....your membership expires on the 30th September. Please re-new on 1st Oct by buying an October package to ensure non-disrupted access.

As in previous months, the way to access, book into and pay for any sessions or packages is through the gymcatch app or via

Please remember it's vital that you book into your community sessions as there are limited numbers in every venue.

It's also really important that you CANCEL your session on the app if you can no longer attend. By cancelling (at least 2 hours before your session starts) you will automatically get a refund to the package or card you paid with. You will also then free up your space which can be booked by folks who may be on the waiting list. Failure to cancel will unfortunately mean that you will lose your money and others will potentially miss out on the space available.

Please also remember to 'book into' your chosen session in addition to buying a class pass. Class Passes do not register you into any sessions. Therefore you run the risk of not being on the class list and therefore may be turned away if you just turn up at a venue and max numbers have been reached. The app shows you your weekly plan so do check you have booked in.

October half term holidays this year run from Mon 26th - Fri 30th Oct. Therefore please note that I shall not be running any Live or ZOOM classes during this week and Facebook groups will not be receive any new content.

And just to finish.....a few of you have been asking about whether there could be another LIVE daytime Fitsteps class to accomodate the demand for this class whilst we have restricted numbers. I'm happy to consider this on either a Monday or a Thursday afternoon should there be enough interest and an available venue. Please let me know if this would interest you.

Keep safe everyone and here's hoping that we can continue meeting up in our Covid Secure environments for a wee while longer.


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