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Here we go again!

So, following the Government's latest announcements last night, it's safe to say that we're moving all our classes back online for November at the least.

I don't think this will come as much of a surprise to anyone given the rising numbers locally and nationally and let's face it, this time around we're much better prepared!

To reassure you therefore, I'll be continuing to deliver all your favourite classes either LIVE on ZOOM or via the Facebook 'on demand' groups.

Our weekly ZOOM sessions for November are therefore as follows and can all be booked onto via

If you purchase a 10 Class Pass for 'online' classes (or already have done so) you're automatically receiving a 10% discount on online sessions - £3.60 as opposed to £4.

However, should you just want to buy the odd 1 or 2 sessions (rather than a 10 class pass) please use the discount code NOV20 when making a purchase, to access 10% discount on individual classes throughout November.

Still not feeling the love for ZOOM? Unable to make the session times? or perhaps just wanting MORE sessions....

Then our 'on demand' Facebook groups are still accessible throughout November and for this month will incorporate x2 LIVE sessions too:

Again, these 'packages' are all available to buy on the Gymcatch app or at

Once purchased, you'll get an invite to join the relevant Facebook group.

Please note: October memberships have now ended. To remain in the Facebook groups please visit Gymcatch to purchase the appropriate November package(s).

As I've decided to name this month 'Novel November', I thought it would be good to mix things up a little too and introduce a couple of new classes to you in the form of 'Masterclasses'.

So we'll have two new sessions that you can trial via ZOOM:

Barre Pilates (where Pilates meets ballet) and Fitsteps 'Tone' (where you use resistance bands in some of our favourite dances to give the upper arms a FABulous workout).

The times and dates of these 'Masterclasses' are still to be determined, so do keep checking our Class Fitness Facebook page for details.

I'm also thinking that during a second lockdown.....we really ought to be thinking about all the positive things we can do to look after our health.

So each week, in our Class Fitness Members Club (Facebook group) I'll be setting you a positive, nutrition focused task.

Anyone can join this group and take part (it's FREE) just let me know to add you to the group!

As many of you had already booked into November classes in the community, I just want to reassure you that all bookings will be refunded! For most of you, that will be through the method you used to book on Gymcatch and for others of you I'll organise bank transfers. Either way...please allow a few days to receive these and then contact me if you have any problems.

And finally, recognising that many of you may be feeling anxious or alone going into this new lockdown...let me remind you that our Class Fitness family is here for you. Keep talking to your friends through our ZOOM sessions and in our Facebook support groups.

I'll be posting some dates for ZOOM coffee and chat sessions over the next few weeks...but in the meantime, do feel free to message me or pick up the phone for a chat if you need anything.

Team...we've got this!

Sending you love and positivity


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