And that's 'nearly' a wrap folks!

Here's hoping that all your Christmas preparations are coming together nicely and plans to see friends and family this year will get to go ahead as planned! Since the Santa Dash last weekend and getting the decs and lights up I'm certainly starting to get into the festive spirit!
Hopefully I will get to say this to many of you in person next week, in our final week of classes, however for those of you we won't see I just wanted to take this opportunity to THANKYOU all so very much for continuing to support classes and to wish you all a very 'Merry Christmas' and a Happy and Healthy New Year!
I'm keeping everything crossed that things will really start to settle back down again in 2022 and our classes will once again be buoyant and without so many restrictions!
So before we wrap up for 2021 and in answer to some of your recent questions, let me give you the last class updates for the year......
When is our last class and when do we return in January?
We have all classes running this next week (13th -16th Dec) finishing with the 6.30pm class of Fitsteps on Thursday 16th. All classes during this final week are Christmas themed and you are more than welcome to come dressed in a festive T-shirt etc. You will also receive a token Xmas Gift in classes to show our appreciation for your support throughout the year.
The first class back in January is Burn N Firm on Tuesday 4th Jan, 9.30am @ St Columbas Church Hall. Fitsteps x2 and BodyBlast will also return that 1st week of January however no pilates courses return until the week after (starting from Mon 10th Jan).
Have the pilates courses now finished? When do they resume?
Yes! Last week was week 6 of the current block of pilates. Many thanks to those of you who attended and congratulations on mastering some tricky moves with the dastardly HOG!
6 week courses resume week commencing 10th Jan and we shall be offering x4 classes a week as follows:
Mon 6.30pm Improvers/Fast Paced @ Upton URC
Tues 11.15am Improvers/Fast Paced @ St Columbas Church Hall
Tues 1.30pm Beginners/Slow Paced @ Hoole Community Centre
Thurs 9.30am Beginners/Slow Paced @ All Saints Church Hall - please note this a NEW CLASS and will be a great introduction/re-introduction to pilates.
All 6 week blocks are again £39 and include FREE membership to the Facebook pilates group where you can access additional recorded classes.
To guarantee your space in class please jump over to and look for 'courses' to get booked on.
Occasionally we get cancellations and a class may be available to book on an ad hoc basis - these will be available to book 48hrs before the class start time via gymcatch.
What pilates classes are running week commencing 13th Dec?
For this week only all our pilates classes are PAYG and are a festive themed stretch and release session. A perfect way to round off the term and head into Christmas all relaxed.
Please head to gymcatch to book in to your preferred class or if you have been on one of our courses and want to use this session as a 'catch up' session for any you have missed please let me know and I'll book you in Free of charge!
Just bring along your mats and a resistance band if you have one.
When will Barre Pilates make a return?
We shall see the next 6 week block of Barre Pilates make it's return on Monday 10th Jan. It will once again only be available 'online' via ZOOM, 10.15-11am each week.
This does however give anyone who can't attend at the time of the LIVE session the option to workout with the recorded version at a time to suit you.
So if you're a seasoned fan of Barre or want to try something new for 2022 then why not get yourself booked on via gymcatch.
Please do ask if you're not sure what to expect.
Will there be any 'pay on the door' options available in the New Year?
Unfortunately the current situation around COVID means that class numbers still need to be limited. Therefore in the immediate future I should ask that you continue to book in advance via Gymcatch to guarantee your place in class.
Will we need to dress in warm clothes at the Christmas 'Tipi' party?
Yes, yes and yes!! The Tipi is an outdoor tent heated only by a central fire pit. If you are lucky enough to be sat near to the fire you may get some benefit. Otherwise you may feel some of the drafts from under the canvas etc.
Layers will be the key to your outfits and hats, gloves and blankets are encouraged!
I will aim to get us up and 'moving' as often as we can between courses to keep you warm however please be prepared.
Would you like contributions for the festive gathering on Tuesday 14th (10.30-11am) at St Columbas Church Hall?
That would be lovely thank you!
This is likely to be just a small gathering of folks who have attended the Burn n Firm class or who choose to come in early for pilates though, so please don't go overboard!
Anyone is welcome to come along however for FREE festive drinks and nibbles!
I think that pretty much answers all the recent questions posed and gives you some idea of what the plans are over the coming weeks.
One more thing... Can you support our chosen charity this Christmas?

As is tradition each year, members are encouraged to donate the equivalent of sending cards to each other to our chosen Christmas charity.
This year we are supporting a local charity 'Stick n Step' who enable, inspire and support children with cerebral palsy and their families.
As with all charities this year they would really appreciate our support.
In remaining classes this week and at the Christmas Tipi party please look out for the 'red pillar box' to pop your donations in.
I appreciate that this is a busy time of year but I really hope to see a good turn out in classes this week - our final week of the year!
Seasons Greetings