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Autumn Attention....

Welcome to our Autumn newsletter. Here's hoping that it finds you well and eager to attack your health and well-being goals as we once again move through the change in seasons. Autumn and Winter can often be the hardest months to motivate yourself to come to exercise classes. But here at Class Fitness you are always guaranteed a 'warm' and 'friendly' welcome worth making the effort for and I'll be sure to keep your classes varied and challenging so you can reap the rewards!

To know what to expect in the months leading up to Christmas please read on......



First thing to note is that all classes are taking a one week break W/C 16th Oct. So please don't rock up to classes that week. Feel free to arrange to meet your fitness pals for a walk though!

We return on Monday 23rd Oct and our booking platform Gymcatch is now populated with all classes left to enjoy in 2023. So please get booking to ensure your space in class.

Last classes before the Christmas hols will run W/C 18th Dec - finishing with a 'Festive Fitsteps' class on Thursday 21st.



After a half term of discovering the benefits of using the small balls in our pilates mat work, it has been requested that we next have a block returning to look at how we can use the trusty 'HOG'.

Being beautifully modelled by my gorgeous Bonnie (RIP) here's the kit you can therefore expect to be using over the coming weeks.

It's a fabulous bit of equipment which can help us to train balance, release tensions and prompt great alignment.

If you have your own - please do bring it along for sessions from the 23rd Oct. Of course I'll have kit to borrow too.

As a reminder - I deliver 2 sessions a week suitable for Improvers - Mondays at 6.30pm and Tuesdays at 11am and 2 sessions a week delivered at a more gentle pace suitable for beginners - Tuesdays at 1.30pm and Thursdays at 9.30am. If a pilates class pass is bought on Gymcatch you are eligible to mix and match your bookings on any of these classes to suit your weekly needs (please just remember to book yourself in!).And if you are feeling ready to move up from either of the beginner level classes please do chat to me - we currently have spaces in both improver classes.

I am also very keen to get more 'Men on Mats' to enjoy the benefits of pilates. If there are menfolk that you know of who are potentially put off coming to classes fearing a class full of women please do let me know so that I can start to judge the potential for putting on a 'men only' session to start in the new year.



Once again our ZOOM based Barre Pilates classes have been proving popular with members. So much so, that we're offering another 5 week course before XMAS.

Dates for the next one are Monday 6th Nov - Monday 4th Dec. 9.30-10.15am each week delivered via ZOOM.

Sign up for the next block on Gymcatch to sample the benefits of this entirely standing based class which focuses on balance, leg and ankle strength, core control and pelvic floor engagement. And all performed in the comfort of your own home either LIVE or via a RECORDING.





9.30-10.15am Barre Pilates ONLINE via Zoom (Run as 5 week course - Nov 6th - Dec 4th)

Daytime 1:1 sessions available - please enquire for availability

6.30-7.30pm Mixed Ability Pilates @ Upton URC Church


9.30-10.30am Burn 'n' Firm @ St Columbas Church Hall (with refreshments available 10.30-11am)

11.00am-12.00pm Improvers Pilates @ St Columbas Church Hall

1.30-2.30pm Beginners/Gentle Pilates @ Hoole Community Centre


Morning 1:1 sessions available - please enquire for availability

1.30-2.30pm Fitsteps @ All Saints Church, Hoole

6.30-7.30pm Body Blast @ Upton URC Church (express weigh in available)


9.30-10.30am Beginners/Gentle Pilates @ All Saints Church, Hoole

Afternoon 1:1 sessions available - please enquire for availability

6.30-7.30pm Fitsteps @ Upton Community Hall

If you haven't tried some of these classes on the timetable maybe now is the time to give it whirl?

Or if you are suffering with a condition needing more specialist support why not come see me as a 1:1?



Knowing how our Class Fitness members like to support charitable causes, I have two campaigns I should like you all to get behind in the next few weeks.

Firstly .. this years Children in Need event is asking groups to get behind it's 'Bearpee' challenge.

A challenge whereby groups sign up to doing a minimum of 1000 Burpees between them over 30 days.

Well this all sounds far too easy I hear you say... and it would be! So let's make it a real challenge and allow ourselves just 1 week to complete 1000 Burpees!!!!

How it will work:

Our Wednesday evening Body-blasters (who came to me with the challenge) will kick it off at class on Wednesday 8th November with a class to include a goodly number of Burpees!

Then all members of every class (regardless of type) in that following week, will be encouraged to add to the tally by performing a minimum of 5-10 Burpees each in classes ( 4 variations available so easily doable).

Anyone wishing to do more at home will be greatly encouraged to add to the tally and then the Body Blasters will again take up the slack on Wednesday 15th November to hopefully get the job done before the deadline of Friday 17th!!!

Can we do it? Of course we can...if we work together as a TEAM!

But most importantly let's raise money whilst we do.

If 25p is donated per Burpee - we'll be on track to raise £250!


Secondly.. One of our gorgeous members Sarah Curtis is once again flying the Class Fitness flag and taking up this years Stick 'n' Step 'Strictly' Challenge!! Meaning she has just 10 hours of tuition from a professional dance partner before competing in a Strictly style competition at Thornton Hall Hotel on Saturday Nov 11th.

Here she is at her first rehearsal with the lovely Mario, with whom she'll be dancing a viennese waltz to the theme tune of the Pirates of the Caribbean!

I cannot wait to see her in action as I know she'll be just FAB-U-LOUS!!!

And the reason she's putting aside her nerves and bravely hitting that dancefloor is to raise money for the fabulous local charity Stick 'n' Step who support the development of children with cerebral palsy.

So if you can, please do show Sarah and the charity Stick 'n' Step your support by donating to her Just giving Page:

And to the 20 members who have already pledged support by agreeing to come to the event on Nov 11th - please check your inboxes for details of how to pay me for your tickets, as monies are now due!



Grosvenor Pulford Hotel - Thursday 7th Dec, 7pm - 12am - Entertained by The Big Beat Band

46 of us have now paid deposits to enjoy this years festive knees up. Please can all of you who have paid deposits now head over to your inboxes to find details of how to pay the remaining monies and to choose your menu options. Thanks.



Once again can I say a big thank you to members who are sharing the love about my classes and 1:1 sessions and encouraging new folks along.

In recent weeks FREE class passes have been dropped into the Gymcatch accounts of a number of our members as a THANKYOU for these referrals. (Ruth, Ruth, Eileen. Sally, Jo and Kate ...many thanks)

You too can benefit from free classes by recommending a friend x


Keep up the good work my friends.

I look forward to working out with you all again soon after my quick break




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