Classes where frienships are made

It is with great sadness that I start this post sharing news of the passing of one of our dear Class Fitness friends.
Pat Rose, a loyal and dear client since 2013, sadly passed away on Friday 11th October after enduring months of treatment for Leukaemia. She fought bravely and remained so very positive until the end.

She enthusiastically, attended many of our classes over the years (infact, I can't think of one she didn't try!) and she was always so very welcoming to new comers. She was also one of our most successful weight loss members, losing an impressive 6 stone at her peak. Many of you have been sharing your memories of classes you attended with her and the very many social gatherings she joined in on with great fondness over the past week. They have been wonderful to hear.
We were so very grateful that she was well enough in the summer to share an evening of merriment and dance with many of her class fitness pals from over the years. It was a memorable event as I know many of you will agree.and one that I know Pat cherished.

For anyone wishing to attend her funeral it will be held at Chester Crematorium at 10am on Tuesday Nov 5th.
As I wish to attend the service myself, please note that Burn n Firm and the 11am Pilates class on 5th November have been cancelled.
RIP Pat - you will be sincerely missed

Speaking of dates ..
Please note that we are on holiday week commencing 21st Oct.
Classes and 1:1 appointments resume again on Monday 28th Oct and will be running through to Dec 20th when we break for Christmas.
All of the timetable is uploaded and available to book on Gymcatch.
Xmas Events

Thanks to the 62 of you who have paid deposits towards this year's Xmas night out at The Double Tree Hilton on Fri 29th Nov. I hear new frocks have already been purchased by a number of you...Exciting!
The remaining balances and menu choices are due by Nov 1st. If you are down to attend you should now have received an email with full details re payment and the menu options. I look forward to receiving your responses.
As is customary at Christmas time too there will be a couple of opportunities where we will stay together after class for a brew and a mince pie. Please pop into your diary the following dates:
Tuesday 17th Dec 10.30am at St Columbas Church Hall following Burn n Firm and before pilates at 11am
Fri 20th Dec 11.30am following pilates at All Saints Church Hall.
All welcome to attend.
I'm also hoping to get off the ground another daytime event involving refreshments and the making of festive, floral table decorations ..... details not yet confirmed but hope to have these with you very soon.
Pilates - New Blocks Starting 28th Oct onwards

The priority booking period for next half term's Pilates classes is now over. Therefore any remaining spaces in classes are available to book by anyone wishing to.
We shall be coming back with a new series of exercises and progressively building these up over a period of 7 weeks. So if you're new to pilates and wishing to give it a go this is the perfect time to join a class.
The 9.15am Improver/Advanced Class is moving to All Saints Church Hall from Fri Nov 1st onwards
The 11am Beginner class at All Saints will now start at 10.30am from Nov 1st
Attendees of the 10.30am class please be mindful not to arrive too early as spaces will be limited in the car park until the class leaving at 10.15am have vacated.

October is now heralded as the month to raise awareness of all things menopause - with Oct 18th being World Menopause Day. It is an opportunity for us all to get talking about something which naturally happens to half of the world's population, but even today, is often poorly understood and mismanaged, leaving many women silently coping with the often debilitating symptoms.
If you are currently experiencing any of the many symptoms which peri-menopause and menopause can give rise to please don't suffer in silence. You're not alone!
Here at Class Fitness not only do we have a range of exercise classes that are well suited for managing many of the symptoms but we have a wealth of knowledge and knowledge between us.
And there are now so many useful, online resources where you can get information to help you make decisions about what might help you best through this natural journey.
Here are some links you may find useful:
Spreading the word...

As with all businesses, a goodly amount of my time behind the scenes goes on publicity and marketing of my classes. Something I must admit to not being particularly good at!
With the help of my eldest son though, I'm currently trying to raise my profile on social media and here's where I need your help.
If you're not already FOLLOWING my accounts PLEASE can I ask that you seek me out and start following. And even better - when I POST anything, please could you COMMENT and then SHARE that post so your friends and contacts can get to see what we do too?
Here's the links to my accounts
And as always - a BIG THANKYOU to those of you who refer a friend to classes. This is still by far the best method of getting new folks finding our services and community. And don't forget that as a Thankyou .... you get a FREE class pass added to your Gymcatch account when your contact makes their first booking. Just be sure to let me know who referred them!