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Give yourself a pat on the back!

What a fantastic start to the year you've had. In this past quarter, so many of you have shown up to your classes and 1:1's with such great enthusiasm and determination and as a result you are reaping the rewards! Not just that - the banter and friendships in sessions are a delight to witness and bring a smile to my face every day.

Well done to all of you who continue to work hard on your health and well -being goals and thank you for untrusting me to help you on your journey.

Unfortunately for some however, these past few months have not been quite so easy with many coping with illness of either themselves or loved ones. If this is you (I won't name names) I want you to know that your Class Fitness family wishes you the very best in your current journey and hope that in the near future we will be able to welcome you back to classes. Keep up the good work and anything we can do to help please do shout.

Here's to the next quarter of the year and all it has to offer......


Timetable Changes

The timetable just keeps getting bigger and bigger to meet growing demand.

The latest addition is a NEW pilates class running on Monday's at St Columbas Church Hall, 11am-12pm.

It's suitable for total beginners or for folks wanting a slower paced /low intensity class (same level as Tuesday 1.30pm, Thursday 9.30am and Fri 11am). A few spaces are still available till end May but it is already looking to be popular, with many using it as their second class of the week - so do get booking at

ALL Classes from mid April to end May are now available to book on gymcatch so to avoid disappointment do reserve your spaces:

And please remember that any cancellations made within 12 hours of the class start time automatically receive a refund to their Gymcatch account.


Unavoidable Price Increase - Many apologies!

As with so many areas of life currently I'm sorry to announce that I am having to increase my prices to meet the increasing charges being made to the business.

I have kept these as minimal as possible and when you consider that in many bars you can't even buy a glass of wine for the same price I charge for a class, I hope you agree that they are still worth the money.

Here's the latest prices which will take effect from week commencing 15th April:

Please be assured that if you currently have a 5 or 10 class pass or outstanding 1:1 credit then this will still be eligible after the 15th April until it has either been used or the validity expires.

New prices will be relevant to future purchases however.


Lost Property

Is any of this yours? All have been collected from classes over the past few weeks. I'd really love to return items to their owners but if no-one comes forward I plan to take to the charity shop in a couple of weeks.

And if this Under Armour black top is yours can you please check the black top that you might have taken home from a pilates class - If it's a similar M&S one then it's owner is desperately looking for it!



As most of you will be aware, Gymcatch is the booking platform that I subscribe to and in the main provides a really good service which is fairly intuitive.

I do appreciate however that for some people technology may be something that puts you off booking into and therefore attending classes.

PLEASE never consider Gymcatch to be a barrier to coming to classes. There are many lines of support available to you and alternative options if needed. Always reach out to me if you need support.


To comment or get clarity on any of the above please contact



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