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Joi de Vivre.....

Ok - the eagle eyed of you might recognise that this isn't quite how the UK is looking just yet - but isn't it encouraging to be seeing the daffodils emerging and all the buds on the trees appearing. Lighter nights mean spring is certainly on it's way and for me that always brings with it new energy and optimism.

The photo is actually one I took on my recent travels to the Caribbean & USA where I couldn't help but be thankful and grateful for what life has to offer. What a difference a year can make!

Being back in classes on Wednesday with some of you was fabulous, the old Tigger was back in the room. But unfortunately that was very short lived as I've unfortunately now tested positive for Covid!

I've therefore had to pause our return to face to face classes for a short while longer following my holiday - I do hope you understand.

I'll keep a close eye on the situation and if things are not clearing up quickly by next week I'll move some of our favourite classes onto ZOOM . Please keep an eye on the Class Fitness Facebook page and Gymcatch updates.


Barre Pilates

Speaking of Zoom ..... one class that will certainly be on next week is Barre Pilates, as we return with a brand NEW 6 week programme delivered only on ZOOM.

It will run from Monday 27th Feb - Mon 3rd April at the new EARLIER time of 9.30-10.30am

Cost = £30 for the 6 week course - available to buy on Gymcatch (under the heading of courses)

It will once again be a progressive course over the 6 weeks and where possible will introduce exercises with soft balls and weights to increase intensity.

Don't Forget.... You DO NOT need to be available on Mondays to join in as all sessions are recorded and emailed out to folk who wish to workout at another time in the week.

This workout is fabulous for folks who :

  • Struggle with balance

  • Have weak ankles

  • Have pelvic floor weakness

  • Want to improve posture

  • Have weak hip and bottom muscles

And it's particularly good for people who can't get to the floor to exercise as everything is done in standing.

All you need is access to the internet and ZOOM, some space and a high backed chair or surface.

Please get in touch if you'd like more info or go ahead and book in now!



One of our other most popular classes Mat based 'Pilates' will also be making use of balls this half term as we explore the benefits of both tennis balls and small soft balls in our practice.

If you have your own tennis and/or 'Bender Balls' (the green ones I sell) please feel free to bring these to classes. Of course I'll some spare to lend to folks.

We will have a range of classes on offer to suit your needs and time availability:

Mondays @ 6.30pm Upton URC - Mixed Ability

Tuesdays @ 11.15am St Columbas Church - Improvers

Tuesdays @ 1.30pm Hoole Community Centre - Slower paced/beginners

Thursdays @ 9.30am All Saints Church - Slower paced/beginners

However - Monday night classes - Please be aware that there is NO CLASS on Monday 6th March


Price Increases

I'm sorry to have do this but I'm afraid the time has come when class prices need to be increased a little to meet increasing costs of running the business.

It was certainly an eye opener when completing this years tax return to see that profits now are significantly less than in the COVID years!!

I do this job because I 100% love what I do... however as my circumstances have changed within the last 12 months I hope you appreciate that I now have to make things profitable as well as enjoyable for it to be a sustainable way of living for me.

The new pricing structure (in effect as of now) is as follows:

1 hour in-venue (Burn 'n' Firm, Body Blast & Fitsteps) Pre-paid (via Gymcatch): £6.50 per class or £5.85 if bought as a 10-class pass @ £58.50 (valid for 6 months) Price on the door: £6.50 (cash-only, subject to available spaces) 1 hour in-venue (Pilates) Pre-paid (via Gymcatch): £7.50 per class or £6.99 if bought as a 5 class pass @ £34.95 (valid for 4 months) or £6.89 if bought as a 10 class pass @ £68.90 (valid for 6 months) Price on the door: £7.50 (cash only, subject to available spaces) 45 mins online (Barre Pilates/Fitsteps Tone) Pre-paid (via Gymcatch): £30 for 6 week block-booking (includes access to session recording if unavailable to attend)

1 hour 1:1 sessions held at the Class Fitness Christleton Studio cost £30 PAYG or £125 for a 5 session block booking (valid for 4 months). Single and 5 class passes for 1:1's are available to buy on Gymcatch or Cash is accepted on First Session.

Please note that all 10 class passes for Burn n Firm, Body Blast and Fitsteps bought before the price increase came into force remain valid until their 6 month validity ends.

All previously bought Pilates passes however are no longer valid as they had a time limited validity on them which has now run out.

I sincerely hope you understand my predicament and the value of my classes is recognised - particularly if you compare the increasing costs of such things as meeting a friend for coffee....,of%20its%20lattes%20and%20cappuccinos.


Cyprus Trip

Speaking of money....I'm also afraid to say that those of you joining our 10 year Anniversary trip to Cyprus in April are now due to pay the remaining accomodation fees.

I shall be contacting you all via our What's App group in the next few days reminding you of the outstanding balances.

Please also make sure that you you have taken out adequate insurance to cover the trip and have any health issues covered before departure.


1:1 Sessions

I have been receiving some really positive feedback from clients making use of this new service on offer.

We can make things as bespoke as you need them but here are some examples of when 1:1 sessions with me might be of benefit to you:

  • Preparing yourself for surgery/procedures where you want to be in optimal physical condition for what the procedure will entail and to promote better rehab outcomes afterwards

  • Want some guidance about stiffness/aches and pains that you have been suffering and want to know how to best incorporate low level exercise and stretches to improve the picture

  • You have a desire to loose weight/get fit but are at a loss to know where to start with it all

  • You have plateaued with your weight loss /exercise goals and would value a review and some accountability to get you back on track

  • Gyms and exercise classes fill you with dread and you seek a more personal approach

  • You have multi-faceted health concerns making standard exercise classes problematic to attend.

I have clients seeing me weekly, fortnightly and sometimes just monthly as necessary.

Please do get in contact to discuss whether my services may be of help to you and to discuss availability.


April/ May Dates

As a quick heads up - please keep an eye on Gymcatch/Facebook during the next couple of months to ensure your class is running as usual. We have Easter, Bank Holidays and the Cyprus trip all impacting on the timetable and I should hate you to turn up if we're not on.

Booking all classes in advance via Gymcatch will ensure you don't encounter any problems and is therefore the recommended option.


Getting Others to Reap the benefits

Thank you so much to those of you who have been recommending my classes to others. Word of mouth advertising is by far my best form of advertising and I truly appreciate your support.

Jane Taylor, Pam Monti, Jo Garvey, Ann Murphy, Lesley Blakebrough and Ros Lewin please check your Gymcatch accounts where I have gifted you a FREE class by way of a thankyou x

If I have missed anyone please accept my apologies and feel free to give me a nudge!

I'm always happy to reward members who spread the word so please do keep this form of advertising running as we all benefit.

(Please note - your benefits are unlocked when your referrals pay for a class or pass, not just on receiving a free taster session)


Competition Time

Continuing our 10 year Anniversary giveaways I should like to announce the next competition happening in March 2023.

The first 10 customers to buy a new 10 Class Pass (pilates or Fitsteps etc) during March will be put into a draw where 1 lucky winner will be drawn to win an additional 5 class pass of their choosing!!

Sound like a good deal to you? To be in it - be sure to buy a 10 class pass in March - and hurry - it's just the first 10 of you who will be eligible.


Think that pretty much wraps up all I wanted to share with you all for now.

Have a Great Weekend All

I'll be doing my best to rest up and rid myself of this COVID in double quick time to ensure I'm back with you all as soon as I can.

All Good Wishes

Di x



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