Make September a month to remember ...

Hands up... who has let their fitness slide a little during COVID times and over summer? You certainly won't be alone if you have. With facilities having been shut, forever changing rules about attending classes and a summer catching up with friends and family there's no surprise that many of us are feeling out of condition and seeing unwelcome weight gain on the scales.
If you don't want to head into Autumn this way, knowing that you'll need to be in great shape to keep Covid and winter viruses at bay, then let 'September be the month to remember'. Why not take back control and use the new school calendar to help you refocus and get back on track?
With most restrictions now lifted on classes I'll be running a near to normal timetable once more this Autumn and re-introducing some of the 'added extra's' that I love to share with members of the Class Fitness family. But please, be sure that I'll be taking your continued safety seriously and class numbers will remain somewhat restricted, distancing will still be encouraged and increased cleaning of surfaces and equipment will remain in place.
Keep reading to find out what's in store this Autumn....
I do hope to see many of you making a welcome return!
The Autumn timetable (up until October half term) is now uploaded onto Gymcatch and is ready for you to book.
Follow this link to get you straight there:
This is what you can expect to find......

Please note:
All pilates classes on Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th September are PAYG 'refresher'/'trial' classes which anyone can book into @ just £6 per session (venue class passes can be used for this). No commitment to a block booking is necessary.
From Sept 14th however the pilates classes will be part of a 6 week block which can be bought as a course on gymcatch for £39 (unfortunately venue class passes cannot be used as payment for these courses). If numbers are not reached, or spaces become available through cancellations on a certain week, individual spaces may be made available on gymcatch 48hours before class. These will however be charged at a higher price and should be discussed with Di to ensure the suitability of the session for you.

As you can see, booking via Gymcatch is the preferred method of payment going forward and for doing so you are rewarded by cheaper classes and the guarantee of a place in class. If you do decide to take a chance and turn up to a class, please be advised that those having booked on gymcatch will take precedence and you will only be assured a place if there is space.
I also recognise that some of you will now have 'online' gymcatch passes or even the old 10 class pass cards which are no longer valid or suitable for your use. Please rest assured, I will refund you the balance you currently have left on these by turning them into suitable gymcatch passes to be available for future bookings. Please just give me heads up that this is what you would like and please return any old style card passes to me.
Did you spot that the Tuesday am improver pilates class is on the move again and at a different time?
So we no longer have to move venues midway through the course, we have secured a new venue (ours to hire every week).
It's Christleton Parish Hall, next to the Church in the centre of the village, with a car park at the rear or on- road parking nearby.
Sessions are 11.45-12.45 to fit in with the hall's already busy schedule, so please do be mindful that our sessions will need to start and end promptly and car parking may be tricky if the previous users of the hall don't vacate promptly.
It's a smashing hall though, with lovely clean floors and The Ring O Bells pub right on the doorstep for a spot of lunch afterwards perhaps!
Apologies if you've been a fan of either the online Exercise or Pilates Facebook groups over recent months, as I've taken the decision to cease offering access to these for the time being.
It has been a wonderful resource and may well return again in the future. However, demand is falling and I'm hoping that more of you are now looking to make a return to our community settings.
Thank you to those of you who have used these resources and well done for keeping up your fitness routines from the comfort of home.

Over the past couple of years we have seen decreasing numbers of clients choosing our services for weight management purposes. Therefore I have taken the decision to no longer market this aspect of the business, preferring to concentrate on delivering top quality classes which naturally support weight management.
I do however, have a loyal crew who have been with me since the early Rosemary Conley days, who continue to enjoy this aspect of class fitness.
I have therefore decided to re-instate a self service 'weigh -in' at our Tuesday am Burn 'N' Firm class from Sept 7th onwards. This will be between 10.30-11am @ St Columbus Church and is FREE /eligible to anyone who has participated in the 9.30am class. There will also be refreshments available at this time for a small token fee to help with hall hire.
I will also be resuming FREE weight loss and health and lifestyle support via the Class Fitness Members Page on Facebook. This group is open to any of our regular class attendees to join to support health and fitness goals. So if you are not already a member and would like this added benefit please let me know so I can invite you into the .Facebook group.
And if you are seriously looking to lose some weight.....why not join our Autumn weight loss challenge?
From Sept 20th to Oct 17th I'd like as many of you as possible to sign up to a 4 week weight loss challenge. It's going to be £10 to enter (bookable on gymcatch) with the biggest loser taking a cash prize from the entry fees. You'll need to jump on the scales at our Tuesday morning classes or if you don't attend this class, send photographic evidence of your weekly weigh ins from home to be in with a chance of winning.
More details on this to follow in the coming weeks!
It has really warmed my heart over this past year to see that the walk/run groups that I started many moons ago have forged great friendships over the years and have stood the test of COVID times. Members have really rallied together to ensure they can still regularly meet on a Thursday morning in line with whatever regulations were in place at the time.
It has also shown me however, that these groups are working perfectly fine without me at the helm. 'What's app' groups are in place, new sub leaders have been assigned and new and varying locations are being explored!
So I hope you don't mind, but I'm passing over the reigns to the sub groups themselves to continue managing for the foreseeable future.
I shall of course be popping in to some of your sessions (if you'll have me) and will definitely bring us all together where possible in charity events etc such as the Sparkle Walk on Sept 17th.
I will also add some more 0-5K training events to the diary throughout the year - so please do look out for these if you're interested in making the leap from walking to running.
A huge well done to our latest 0-5K graduates - Sara, Sarah, Vickie, Belinda and Mary -Ann. Great job ladies!
All the planning is done... and your Autumn classes await you!
Are you ready to take back control and make this a September to Remember?
Here's hoping so,