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We brought back the Sun....

With temperatures in the 20's today you could easily be fooled into thinking you were in Cyprus!

And of course that's where myself and 19 of our lovely class members were just a few weeks ago celebrating my milestone 10 year Anniversary teaching classes in Chester.

What a superb break it was too - excellent company, a fabulous hotel within walking walking distance of Paphos harbour and wonderful weather throughout. Other than a touch of sunburn here and there and one medical emergency everything went swimmingly well.

Should we do it again? ... hell yeah! What's not to love about constant laughter and al fresco classes listening to the ocean? If you thought about joining us this time and couldn't- keep your eyes and ears peeled for the next one...... hopefully a little sooner than waiting for the next 10 year Anniversary.



Now we're passed all the holidays that April/May brought, we can settle down into a regular pattern of classes again for a few weeks - allowing you to set and meet your summer goals!

One or two points to note though.....

  • Mixed Ability evening pilates now returns to it's regular slot of 6.30pm on Mondays @ Upton United Reformed Church. This starts back on Monday June 5th.

  • Tuesday Morning Improver Pilates is to start at a slightly earlier time of 11am from Tuesday June 6th. (previously starting at 11.15am).

  • Barre Pilates is back for a 6 week course (online) starting on Monday June 5th @ 9.30am

All other classes remain as per the main timetable which can be seen via this link:

As usual - the preferred method of paying and getting booked into sessions is by using the online booking platform Gymcatch



Once again - a big thank you to all of you who have been bringing friends along to classes. I truly appreciate this mode of advertising and by way of a thank you, the following folks can expect to see a FREE class pass appear in their Gymcatch wallet to be spent on any class they wish:

  • Beryl Johnson, Beryl Marshall, Alex Fenelon, Helen Dawson, Jo Garvey and Susanna Dixon

Thank you Ladies .... please keep up the good work of spreading the joy of our classes.


As it's a big year for celebrations I want to celebrate with as many of our class participants as possible. Therefore who's up for a night out this Summer?

It's been a couple of years since we last hosted a summer event - but let's see if we can get something off the ground. Suggestions welcome re the venue but let's see if we can incorporate food/drink and of course dancing into the mix. I'm suggesting Sat 12th August. Let's chat in classes.


One more thing....

During COVID I lent out various bits of equipment to folks ... weights/steps etc. Do any of you still have anything lurking in your garages? If so I'd love to have them returned where possible.

Many thanks!


On a sunny Sunday afternoon I'm afraid that's all from me today.

Hope you're all enjoying this beautiful weather

Di x



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